Editor's Note 4.2020: Thank you for visiting the website. It was launched in 2008 to help teachers and students. The materials in Real World Math were built primarily for the desktop version of Google Earth. That version of Google Earth has more tools and functions than the more current browser or mobile app incarnations. Google Earth Pro, the older desktop version is still available from Google as a free download here.
RWM's materials are most likely not suitable for mobile, browsers or Chromebooks. Perhaps some year the site will be modernized to include materials for those versions. Hopefully you will still find some use of it or find inspiration from its contents. - Thank you
RWM's materials are most likely not suitable for mobile, browsers or Chromebooks. Perhaps some year the site will be modernized to include materials for those versions. Hopefully you will still find some use of it or find inspiration from its contents. - Thank you
Welcome! Real World Math is a collection of free math activities for Google Earth designed for students and educators. Mathematics is much more than a set of problems in a textbook. In the virtual world of Google Earth, concepts and challenges can be presented in a meaningful way that portray the usefulness of the ideas.
Real World Math is for students
Students will find downloads for over 30 activities, videos, and instructional tutorials for Google Earth & SketchUp. The goal is to take the math you learned in class and develop it further with problem solving activities. You'll find some familiar concepts and learn some ideas. All of the lessons are technology-based and can be completed in the classroom or at home. This is where you'll find the answer to, "When are we ever gonna need this?!" |
Real World Math is for teachers
Teachers have access to lesson write ups and additional material to integrate these activities effectively. The core of the site is mathematics for grades 4 and up, but many lessons lend themselves to interdisciplinary activities. This is a modern approach to mathematics that is student-centered and task-oriented; it embraces active learning, constructivism, and project-based activities, while remaining true to the standards. Higher level thinking skills, such as analysis, synthesis, and creativity are encouraged as well as technology skills and social learning. |
Google Earth is the dynamic tool that will be used to accomplish these tasks. Google Earth provides incredible views of our world in an interactive 3D environment. Beyond the visual appeal, users can add placemarks, annotations, photos, images, and models to the earth's surface, as well as measure distances and draw paths. The user-friendly tools makes Google Earth the perfect choice for a task oriented learning environment.
Free images from FreeDigitalPhotos.net