About the site
This website is designed for educators who wish to extend the math curriculum beyond the pages of the textbook. Real World Math provides an assortment of student-centered lessons and activities where students can apply their math knowledge in a virtual environment. Google Earth is the dynamic tool that will be used to accomplish this. Google Earth provides startling clear satellite views of the globe in an interactive 3D environment. Beyond the visual appeal, users can add placemarks, annotations, photos, and models, as well as measure distances and draw paths.
This website is designed for educators who wish to extend the math curriculum beyond the pages of the textbook. Real World Math provides an assortment of student-centered lessons and activities where students can apply their math knowledge in a virtual environment. Google Earth is the dynamic tool that will be used to accomplish this. Google Earth provides startling clear satellite views of the globe in an interactive 3D environment. Beyond the visual appeal, users can add placemarks, annotations, photos, and models, as well as measure distances and draw paths.
Within this site you will find lesson ideas, examples, and downloads for mathematics that embrace active learning, constructivism, and project-based learning while remaining true to the standards. The majority of the lessons and activities are intended for grades 4 and up, but teachers of younger students may be able to find some use or inspiration from the site. Higher level thinking skills, such as analysis, synthesis, and creativity are encouraged as well as technology skills and social learning. The core of this site is mathematics, but many lessons lend themselves to interdisciplinary activities also.
RealWorldMath.org has been redesigned to accommodate students. Teachers can now direct students to the site to get downloads or view additional resources. The material intended for teachers now require a password to access. This includes lesson write-ups, answer keys, the contact form, and other content meant for educators. I hope you'll find the changes useful when using the site with your students. Please feel free to offer comments or suggestions on the new look. Math teachers are always searching for meaningful, practical math lessons that engage their students. I hope this site is useful to you and that your students learn real world math. |
About the author
Thomas Petra is a technology integration specialist, presenter, and educator with over 20 years of experience in the classroom. He has been a Google Certified Innovator and Trainer. RealWorldMath.org was initially created as part of his Masters project in Instructional Technology. The site went online in April of 2008 and has been growing ever since. |